Sunday, 1 April 2012

The escape plan...

Sitting alone in living room with some b grade action movie playing in the background, I am considering my escape plan. My husband and child are fast asleep and I really should go to bed, but I can't let it escape plan has taken over my imagination.
The thing is, is that I can't possibly stay in a marriage where its become very clear that my husband is an asshole even though his trying to change. It drives me crazy wondering if staying is just going to bite me in the ass down the line. I have always believed once a cheater always a cheater, and now faced my own cheater - I am forced to take a leap of faith if I am to give my marriage a fighting chance. So as I prepare to take this leap of faith, I have decided to strap on a escape plan. I am going to open up an account and start saving money. I have started calling it my freedom fund. The sole purpose of this fund, is to allow me and whatever children I may have to start afresh, without daddy dearest. The thought of the fund already makes me feel more at peace. The notion that I will be able to move out or chuck him out with some sort of financial cushion, helps me to breathe easier.
Also I need to pursue my studies more aggressively. Maybe I will do my masters. It will make me more marketable if and when my marriage finally gives up the ghost. I won't have time to study then...but I can study now while he babysits. So ja studying and saving, will give me a fighting chance to be a successful single mom and provide for my family. Mmmm that feels good...

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