Friday, 25 May 2012

Nandos and heartbreak

We love food. We don't need much of an excuse to eat a wonderful meal, but I have noticed that when we want to celebrate we get Chinese. It marked our first anniversay, the day we moved in together, when we got raises etc. Good times = Chinese food.

And when things fell apart and we had our "discussion" over whether we were getting divorced or not, we ordered Nandos'. When he first started counselling and we sat together to chat afterwards, we ate Nandos'. When he moved out of the house, and I sat alone in the stillness of our house - I ordered Nando's. Nando's has began to = sadness to me. Tonight he wants Nando's. A fresh wave of dread has hit me and my chest is tight with anxiety. Nando's...really? If tonight is our last night as a family, do you really want Nando's? Is it a sign?I know its something small, but I just can't. I can see myself beginning to cry over eating an lemon and herb wing. Wiping away said tears over a portugese roll.

I don't think he realises what his suggested.

No Nando's for me tonight. I think I'll hold out for some Chinese tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. How is it that such great memories can become twisted and warped and now only fill us with pain? Living with infidelity creates such a dementia in our brains does't it? I know you've read about mine.
