" It just doesn't feel like his making love to Me..."
I knew long before I found out my husband was a porn addict, that there was something wrong. I ignored it and put it down to silly Mills and Boon dreams. I should have gone with my gut feeling...
Hindsight is an amazing thing. I dedicate this list to all the wives and husbands, who knows something is wrong-but can't quite put their finger on it. I present the profile of a porn addict:
HONESTY is first casualty of addiction. They lie to themselves and they WILL lie to you...
When hubby andI first started going out, he told me about a DVD he had with pics of scantily clared stars on them. I asked him to throw it away, because it made me feel uncomfortable. (How the hell was I supposed to compete with Jessica Alba and Beyonce Knowles?)Anyways, he then proceeded to lie to me and told me he threw it away.Later he told me, at that point he should have known something was up -when he couldn't/wouldn't give up the DVD.
The lies continued throughout our relationship (I classify withholding of information as lying by ommission).He didn't tell me about the various women he tried to get into bed with and the prostitute he paid for. And eventually, when I caught him- he still tried to bullshit his away out of it.Lying becomes second nature to addicts, because its the first thing required to keep the addiction alive. He lied about anything and everything, even small inconsequential things that had nothing to do with his "activities". He lied and lied and lied some more. At first I would think, we had made a breakthrough, only to find that he had only told me half truths or complete lies. Soon my reaction was:
Yes, you asshole. Don't look so shocked |
In the end , his lies killed our marriage. Yes, what he did was horrific - but if he had just been honest, we would be in a better position than we are in now. At first, he lied to save his addiction and then he lied to save our marriage. Now, after counselling and deciding to give it another chance, I look at him and I can't bring myself to believe a damn word he says...
Porn addicts lie...
My husband is a self centered jerk. You wouldn't know it, if you looked at him though. Soft spoken and well mannered - the perfect gentleman...on the outside.
Porn addicts, like every other addict, lacks empathy. The inability to put himself into someones elses shoes, has cost me dearly. He has robbed me of the last four years of my life. It should have been my choice whether I would still marry him, after his indiscretions - instead he chose to carry on, while telling me that he loves me. He didn't stop to think about me. He only cared about me, in relation to what I do for him. When I asked him why he didn't tell me before we got married about his infidelity, his response was simply "you wouldn't have married me". Perhaps I wouldn't have, but he should have loved me and respected me enough, to give me the choice. Now I see my engagement and marriage, in terms of his affairs. Nothing belongs to me anymore - he gave himself and our marriage away to whatever woman would have him.
He always bitched about doing the things I wanted to do - everything was always a hassle. I put down to just being different. What I should have put it down to, was him being asshole...
He should have protected me...instead he exposed me to STDS, heartbreak and robbed me of precious time.Didn't I deserve being in a loving relationship, where I would be honoured and respected? Apparently, my husband didn't think so.
Porn addicts don't care about anyone, but themselves.
A porn addict doesn't care about whether or not you are satisfied. They watch hours of porn, where the main job of women is to get screwed by X amount of guys, in numerous positions and enthusiasitically enjoy every minute of it. She doesn't have a brain or feelings. She literally is there to be a cum receptacle. A porn addict will turn you into that, because as mentioned above - they don't give a shit about you. The time spent having sex decreases dramatically, becauses then they start preferring masturbation over having sex. That right, once you get over the indignity of being used, than apparently you aren't even needed for that anymore.
Close to the end, my husband and I were having sex maybe once every4-6 weeks. I would go away on business and when I came back, he wouldn't be interested in having sex. I couldn't understand it, assuming that I was the one with the problem. Maybe my libido was too high, maybe I wasn't pretty enough. As it turned out, my husband graduated from porn and was having online sex with whomever he could find. No wonder, he didn't want to have sex with me. He'd been fucking the entire country...
Have you ever looked at your partner and noticed that they are constantly on their laptops/pc/mobiles? So much so, that it just becomes part of how they look, when you think of them? Good luck, with trying to see what has them so engrossed, that they spend hours online.
Now in all fairness, we are part of the generation, where technology plays an integral part of our lives - but we are talkingabout people who are hooked to it like its crack. The laptop made so many things possible for my husband- he could download tons of porn, he could connect with thousands of women at a touch of a button. If your partner is always on a laptop/mobile I would encourage you to start checking things out when they aren't around. There is a good chance, that because of the amount of time they spend on their beloved gadgets, they know more than, so will hide whatever evidence there is- don't give up though, keep looking.
So to summarise:porn addicts are selfish,lying cyborgs who suck in bed and you know what...
You have one bad experience with a porn addict and we all get labeled as jerks. sheesh. Then you tell everyone to spy on their husband. No wonder he cheated on you with porn.
ReplyDeleteActually, it was the other way around. first the porn and then the spiral down.I have never heard of anyone having a positive experience with a porn addict. what seems to be a consistent finding is that porn addicts always think that their relationships dont suffer because they are stuck in their own high which impacts on their judgement. you seem to consider yourself as an addict? you dont need to believe me about impact, maybe when you have a minute do some research-its all laid out there for us...