Up to now, I haven't the seen infamous pic of Kristen S getting it on with old married dude - OH MY FREAKING WORD!! In my mind, I thought that perhaps it was just a frenchy or something. These guys were practically screwing each other...and my heart goes out to his wife.
I know she is hurt right now, but with kids in tow I figured they would work it out. But I wonder how much of an influence those photos will have over her willingness to try again? I thought to myself that if I had photos or footage of my husband getting it on with another woman, I would never be able to even try again. There is something visceral that happens when you actually see your mate in the arms of another woman. We, the betrayed can imagine what happened and with a plethora of gory details at our beck and call- we embelish what must have been a hot steamy sex session between our louses and the other woman...but photos...photos is something else. We can not unsee our partners loving expression directed at a stranger...we cannot unsee the the caress and kiss that they share. Messages, emails and sms's are bad enough. I still remember in clear detail words of flirty adoration that my husband wrote to another...how much more so would the image of them together be entwined be forever burned into my memory.
The humilation of everyone knowing what he did must be harrowing. My husbands first fling 7 months after we got married, was with a co-worker. I happened to know the company accountant. Everytime I met her, she would smile at me and ask me how I was doing...and now I look back and realise she must have known what he was doing. The shame of having a disloyal husband could barely be borne. We want so desperately to be proud of our men...instead, his the problem child that you never bring up in conversation.
So my heart goes out to Mrs Saunders...I am sorry she has had to expierience her husbands infidelity in front of cameras - the world watching her, even though its in sympathy.
I hope this was the first time he cheated, but something tells me that's unlikely - I pray that she does whats best for her and the kids!
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