Saturday, 11 August 2012

Truth#2 about infidelity

A man doesn't cheat because he was fooled into it or because he didn't see it coming. He cheats because he chooses to. An act of will that he exercises at your expense...

Cheating is a decision - its not an unstoppable conclusion to social flirting.

She did not make him cheat on you. You can not make a grown man do anything. He sought her out...he flirted, he chased and he got laid. He did think about you...and he decided that you didn't matter.


  1. HEY!!!! Missed you. How was the holiday?

    Yep - I think this was hard for me to accept- that when it should have mattered, I didn't matter :-( I always scoffed at the old adage that you should never marry a man, who you loved more than he loves you...I mean how unromantic. But yep - maybe my grief would have been easier to bear if I loved him less...
