Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Its in his kiss

Kisses...I am teaching my husband how I liked to be kissed. I figure since he apparently is the village bicyle why not get something out of it. He wants to act like a tramp, why not treat him like one?

So previously when we first started going out and every now and then I  brought up the way we kiss. I enjoy french kissing. My husband hates it. He says it makes him feel shy...this from a guy who groped a strange woman on a train (they apparently had met each other online and decided to meet on the train...he says thats all that happened...I don't believe him, anyways...). So he has always felt uncomfortable frenching and to me it has been a major loss in the "wanting to feel desired" department. So it always been lip to lip, slightly open mouthed maybe sometimes...it really sucked.

So I have decided that thats enough of that shit. From now on, he needs to please me - so I set about teaching him how I liked to be kissed. Its not a dominatrix kind of thing, but I am easing him into it - instructing him as we go along and I am enjoying it immensely.

So we're in bed and things are going well and afterwards I ask him how the kissing is feeling for him. He told me that he feels shy again...I laughed at him and told him how is it possible for him to feel shy after all he has done. He pretended to sleep after that...I don't know why I said it, maybe to hurt him...maybe to support my feeling that what he wants doesn't matter anymore. His been so selfish in bed that I am sick of not feeling desired, because he feels "shy".  I bet he wasn't feeling shy when he paid that prostitue to suck his d*ck or when he fingered his work colleague in their company's boardroom.  So thats enough of that...if I am going to stay in this marriage, the least he can do is learn how to kiss me properly.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha Oh Xena I love your brutal honesty. Its so... "to the point"

    Reminded me of this song:

