Wednesday, 19 September 2012

unexpected consequences

Look I had to blog about this, because its become so damn embarressing. I have been increasingly stressed out about my husbands shinanigans and I have always carried stress in my body. I don't sleep well, I am constantly emotionally eating, I get the runs and I am prone to crying jags.

So over the last while I have realised that I have also started to get hectic chest pains and whatnot, every time I think about my husband...and last night I realised that I am also been quite...flatulent LOL Yesterday OMW, I just bent over to put my son in his car seat and damn it, I am glad I was in a loud parking lot because it sounded like I was heralding the second coming.

And then I realised that I have actually been fluffing virtually uncontrollaby for at least the past three weeks. I thought maybe it was food? But no...I think its my tummy getting all upset and then bam...

The other day I barely escaped my office before one slipped know those high pitched ones that sqeek past the cheeks. Its getting bad! Luckly for the most part, there doesn't seem to be a hectic smell - but how soon will my luck last?

Yesterday I was in a meeting with a client and what would have happended if I just turned to quickly???

So there you have husbands cheating has given me gas. It doesn't help when I am trying to look all hot for him and these little bubbles of fumes creep out LOL Man, I can't believe it myself...

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