Thursday, 11 October 2012

Abigail month

So his birthday week is almost over (he turned 28 on Tuesday). I got him a new leather wallet and then I cooked a serious breakfast, serious dinner, yummy chocolate cake and then took him out to the movies.

I did my best and he seemed okay - but in the middle of day, via slip of the tongue he referred back to his old work place, where he had his first marital affair. He hastily said, wow, I don't why I did that...and because it was his birthday I let it go but in my freaking head I just knew...

Every birthday its his chance to relive his affair with Abigail. Thats when he said things started happening with them. She was on his mind and that what he was doing.

No matter what I do - no matter how many dinner parties and TVs I buy him, it will never be good enough because October is Abigail month. Its fucking humiliating how I try my best for him, to make him feel awesome and then to know it all pales in comparison that whatever Abigail was giving up was better than  my love.

What a dick...


  1. I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry you went through this. Hugs Xena.

  2. Oh Elsie - thank you!! Needed that:-)
